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”Zodiac” blogtour, by Corylus Books, UK

Corylus Books este o editură nouă din Marea Britanie, care își propune să publice cărți noi și interesante traduse în engleză.

În perioada 23-29 martie a organizat un „blogtour” pentru varianta în limba engleză a romanului polițist ”Zodiac”, de Anamaria Ionescu. Cartea s-a bucurat de prezentare și recenzii de la câțiva bloggeri englezi.

Corylus Books

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I can honestly say that I fell on love with the main protagonist Sergiu, he was unpredictable, motorbike riding, charming „Agency” man willing to do whatever it takes no matter what the cost.

recenzie pe bookishwoo

The story’s dark crimes are balanced by the investigative team’s interactions, which add to the characters’ authenticity and charisma. The fast-paced plot flows well, making this an enjoyable crime novel to read.

recomandare pe jolliffe01

The story is strong – lots of red herrings and then we are able to see the real reasons about half way through the book, so the pacing is excellent. It is a very fast read – you want and need to know why these people were killed and how they were linked. (…) I can’t wait to read the next in the series.

recenzie pe booksbybindu

The main characters were full of charm, and their differences increased the tension in the story, but not in a bad way – I really enjoyed their interactions actually. I loved the dichotomy between the morally good and the morally grey characters, and I think the writer did a great job at building up the characters and the world. The plot was engaging from start to finish and loved the lack of unnecessary fluff appreciating the novel in it’s shortness.

recenzie pe janekelsey.com

”Zodiac” offers a delicately woven counterpoint between an outside the lines Agency and play by the rules cop which adds an extra layer of tension to an already interesting plot. You might get lost for a while in the investigation but you need to keep your wits about you; conflict is always bubbling just below the surface. Cover your eyes or be brave enough to peek. It is up to you. Highly recommended. Four Stars.

recenzie de J.A. Warnock pe lovebooksgroup

When investigator Sergiu Manta is handed the investigation into a series of bizarre murders, he can’t sure what he’s getting involved in as he has to work with regular detective Marius Stanescu, who has his own suspicions about the biker he has been told to work with, and wants to get to the truth. The twists and turns of their investigation takes them from the city of Bucharest to the mountains of rural Romania, and back.

recomandare pe brownflopsy


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